Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> I said that because it took two weeks for a message to appear ... but
> moments later, a message dated June 19 was posted on June 18.

Probably because you (and me too - we will find out about me when post
this) are still on individual moderation from long ago disputes.

Actually, I am glad to see any messages at all because a couple of weeks
ago I had a minor email glitch causing bounces and I felt had a message
come through during that period, I could have been off the list. I am
glad to find out that there is one less mailing list I need to
resubscribe to :)

In any case, I hope that Seshat will reconsider any and all individual
moderations given the long dormancy of the list and the albeit tiny,
amount of work it causes her.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]