Andrew Dunbar wrote:
> --- "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>
> wrote:
> > When MSWord makes an (ugly) arrow when you type -->,
> > where does it get
> > it from? It's not the (much nicer) Symbol arrow, and
> > when you choose it,
> > it just claims to be in the font that you typed it
> > in. It even gets
> > sloped when marked Italic, unlike the Symbol arrow.
> > The other AutoText
> > substitutions are just characters in the text font
> > -- curly quotes,
> > ellipsis dots.
> > --
> > Peter T. Daniels
> > grammatim@...
> You could try cutting and pasting some text including
> that character into a plain text editor such as
> Notepad and see if it is preserved.
> Another thing you can do is save it as HTML and then
> look at that HTML file with a plain text editor to see
> how it is saved.
> Let me see if this cybercafe machine has Word...
> Method one gives me a box so whatever it is, it's not
> in the font Notepad uses here: „3
> Searching FileFormat.Info for this character tells me
> that it's U+F0E0 and that it is not a valid Unicode
> character.
> Method two shows me that just for that character, the
> font "Wingdings" is specified.
> So it looks to me like it's a custom MS character
> supported by some of their own fonts but not part of
> Unicode.

It has nothing to do with Unicode, since it's on my computer.

If Wingdings is in my system, I'll take it out and see what happens.

But if it were in an actual font, why would the font menu tell me it's
in the font of the surrounding text?

I can Search it, but I can't Replace it with the Symbol arrow! Which is
on the Option-Shift-' character, i.e., Æ (capital ae digraph). When I
Replace with, ostensibly, that, I get a large circle with diagonal
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...