wrote on 03/09/2006 10:03:06 AM:

> When MSWord makes an (ugly) arrow when you type -->, where does it get
> it from? It's not the (much nicer) Symbol arrow, and when you choose it,
> it just claims to be in the font that you typed it in. It even gets
> sloped when marked Italic, unlike the Symbol arrow. The other AutoText
> substitutions are just characters in the text font -- curly quotes,
> ellipsis dots.

You can get rid of the MSWord rule that does this under Tools / Autocorrect
Options / Autocorrect tab and down where it's got "Replace as you type"
there are all the things it automatically does. You can turn them all off
or just delete this one rule. I don't immediately see how you can change a
rule or add a rule.
