I saw that site, (or a similar one that dealt with only tattoos) about a
year or so ago. Since then I have been paying attention and noting with
amusement the characters I know to be off.
Nothing funnier then a big mean looking guy with a tattoo such as
"bi-jin" (pretty woman) or something like that on the side of his neck
or across his knuckles. I usually try to hide my amusement until safely
out of range though :)
I think it would be fun to do a "Unicode collection" of tattoos -
people with tattoos are pretty open to letting people take a picture of
them, and if it was done under the guise of "collecting tattoos of as
many Chinese characters as possible" then it should be flattering
enough...I will make a wiki if people are interested in helping :)
Richard Wordingham wrote:
> At least one tattooist, who disapprove of the vogue for tattoos in
> foreign scripts not understood by the recipient, has deliberately
> tattoed insulting descriptions on their clients.
> Richard.