Hi Suzanne -

This intrigues (and worries) me. I am not a Greek reader, but I have
been in a math or physics book or two, so it is not all Greek to me :)

To my eyes, in Firefox, on Windows, it looked different then your
example. I looked at the HTML source of Doug's page, and it contains:
(replaced angle brackets w/ square ones to avoid html in email issues)

[style type="text/css"]
h1 { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", Gentium, Code2000, "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif }
body { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", Gentium, Code2000, "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif }

Beyond that he doesn't define any fonts, so Firefox should choose from
those on your system in that order. There shouldn't be any switching
mid-page though according to the rules of CSS.

BTW, in my view of Doug's page, most of the chars with diacritics vary
in precomposed and decomposed... the diacritics vary that is...I don't
see that some chars are different sizes or fonts then others
though...the whole page, both sections, are clearly the same. What do
you see in Firefox's "view Source" option for Doug's page?



suzmccarth wrote:

> I guess Firefox is mixing fonts. I didn't realize that before.
> Suzanne