> "Doug Ewell" wrote:suzmccarth wrote:
>> Try it out and see how it looks in your browser:
>> http://users.adelphia.net/~dewell/alcestis.html
> . . . in Firefox, both precomposed and decomposed display fully butLooks pretty good to me in Firefox on a current MacOS, though the
> the vowels are of uneven size - it does not look natural at all. . . .
> http://abecedaria.blogspot.com/2005/09/polytonic-greek-fonts.htmlAll four look alike to me.
> http://abecedaria.blogspot.com/2005/10/combining-diacritics.htmlThis time the decomposed has boxes.
> Below I posted both the precomposed and decomposed with defined font
> Tahoma and they both look good. . . .