--- In
qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Doug Ewell" <dewell@...> wrote:
> suzmccarth <suzmccarth at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> I've never had a typing class, but I just clocked in at 73 wpm
> with no errors on http://www.typeonline.co.uk/typingspeed.php.
I envy your typiing speed - Accuracy is my problem.
> > Schools concentrate on teaching children not to copy verbatim
> > the internet and not to quote any text without both an
> > author, and publisher.
> > Schools attempt to teach children to be critical of information
> > the net and not believe everything they read. If there were any
> > left over from this gargantuan task, we might teach typing.
> I've learned to be very skeptical of any sentence that
starts "Schools
> teach X" or "Schools don't teach Y."
I did say 'concentrate on' and 'attempt'. I know you think I am
tossing platitudes into the ether but 3 days ago I attended a
session with the developer of the new BC provincial IT curriculum
and performance standards and had to sit thorough her passionate
rant - then I chatted with the head of the BC Teacher Librarians'
Association, a good friend and a two finger typist. So you are
getting this from the horses mouth, so to speak, as far as
our 'official' goals and objectives. That said, teachers are human
and individuals, they all have a different personal background and