Michael Everson wrote:
> At 20:55 -0400 2005-09-17, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > > >Each of the words in the previous posting(s) on whose interpretation you
> >> >differed.
> >>
> >> Be specific. Which words did I use, how did I define them, and how
> >> did that differ from the way other linguists use such words?
> >
> >I don't have time to play your game.
> No, just yours, apparently.
> >Look at the words where I asked for your interpretation.
> Yeah, right. You said "All this (from Blissymbolics through Swahili)
> shows is that your usage of the terminology is extremely different
> from linguists' use of this terminology." So "each of" and "all of"
> my words would lack addressable precision.
I didn't ask for interpretation of those words, did I.
Why don't you start with "writing system"?
> >Plus, of course, the "abjad/abugida" fiasco at the Unicode glossary.
> I did not write the definitions in The Unicode Standard 3.0, and we
> greatly revised the definitions when The Unicode Standard 4.0 was
> published, in response to your criticism.
You doggedly defended them as if you were responsible for them.
Peter T. Daniels