--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Nicholas Bodley" <nbodley@...> wrote:
> That URL was a bear (ESOL: troublesome/difficult) to try; between
> Forbidden and Not Found, I re-tried maybe 15 different variations.
> line split and "%20" "space-code proxies" didn't help, either.
> Try:
> <http://lists.kabissa.org/lists/archives/public/a12n-


This is ths homepage for the Kabissa lists. Many of the same people
as qalam. Go to A12n-forum and scroll down to Mar. 23 for Don
Osborn's message. On the other Hand, I captured what I thought was

> I also tried <http://www.typeit.org>, and, sad to say, it didn't
work at
> all in Opera 8.02.

How about Richard W's picker for Thai here - the same concept -
dfferent look.


I think the point made by Don, and I share it, is that however
simple and unergonmic these pickers look, they are better than not
being able to keyboard your own script at all. Obviously, whether it
is learning the deadkey and shift sequences, or learning the
alphabetic transliteration of the script, these skills are not
easily picked up and prevent access to keyboarding.

Just a simple customized 'insert symbol' utility would do for a
start. The issue is not so much technical as it is believing in the
first place that digitial literacy and the English alphabet are not
inextricably linked.
