My daughter brought home her new penmanship book to be covered. She's
just starting third grade, they're teaching cursive writing. I'm
*really* hoping that the book shows the examples it does because it's
easier to learn that way, and not because they expect you to write like
that. It's a system called "Handwriting without tears" (this is the
cursive arm of it), and the cursive is u-g-l-y. With a capital UG. No
slant, everything is ramrod-straight and plumbline-vertical.... The
sample desk-cards shown at don't
really do it justice; you have to see it in running text... shows it a little better (in
comparison/contrast with other standards).

What have your experiences/opinions been of the evolving methods of
teaching handwriting?


P.S. Reading further from my earlier post, I now recommend and especially to the qalam public.