Doug Ewell wrote:
> Peter T. Daniels <grammatim at worldnet dot att dot net> wrote:
> >> As to common accented (French, German, ...) letters, there's a less
> >> "arbitrary" method. From Word's Help:
> >
> > Of course I cannot see a single one of the resulting characters below.
> Yahoo Groups is apparently trashing all UTF-8 text. I have reluctantly
> switched back to Latin-1 for postings to this group.
> > Where in Word's Help will I find this table? It looks like a Mac
> > emulation but with different leading characters. It would be nice if
> > this appeared in the "documentation" (meaning aftermarket books)
> > somewhere, since Help auxiliaries are useless if you don't already
> > know the terms they use for particular functions.
> Peter, I already told you:
> > Go to Word Help and search for "Insert an international character
> > by using a shortcut key." You might be pleasantly surprised.
I don't really want to type a 9-word sentence into the search box.
> If you do this JUST ONCE, you will get a nice, handy, printable list of
I didn't get a printer with the Windows box. I don't want to buy a cable
for a temporary computer to attach to my printer, and I certainly don't
want to start messing around installing a new printer driver into
someone else's computer that doesn't even have a System Folder to put it
> all the BUILT-IN shortcut key sequences that WinWord defines to allow
> you to type certain accented characters (those in the Latin-1
> repertoire). You don't need to visit Help for every such accented
> character you need to type.
Did someone suggest one did need to?
> You don't need to define your own shortcut
> keys, or go to Character Map, or activate On-Screen Keyboard, or type
> Alt+X plus a numeric sequence, or install an alternative keyboard
> layout, or any of that stuff, if all you need are those characters.
> Jelks was kind enough to copy and paste the chart which you could have
> gotten from Word Help by following my suggestion.
How do you know that I hadn't already followed your suggestion?
> Now, if you DO need more accented characters that those shown in the
> chart, then you will have to resort to one of the alternative measures
> listed above. Which solution you choose is up to you.
> BTW, I'm currently trying to get used to the "U.S. International"
> layout, which redefines the single-quote/double-quote key as a combining
> acute accent (unshifted) or diaeresis (shifted). It solves the same
> problem as the WinWord solution above, and works in all Windows
> applications, but if you see inappropriate accented characters at the
> start of a quote, or inappropriate spacing after one, well, that's my
> learning curve.
So how do you type the quote marks? And what about grave and circumflex?
Offhand that layout sounds like it's made for Spanish and nothing else.
Peter T. Daniels