Michael Everson wrote:
> At 14:39 -0400 2005-09-02, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > > I see no need to replace ME's efforts at all. It is fine. Any other
> > > efforts can co-exist,be they KB, handwriting, something else entirely.
> >
> >And what did ME zip right to? Voice recognition software!!!! Sheesh.
> You raised the question of alternate modes of data input.
I thought I was reminding you of the handwritten input that everyone but
you has talked about.
> >Obviously it's political!!! What else could it be, when it's a question
> >of imposing imperialist cultures on indigenous peoples??
> How are indigenous people harmed by learning the main writing system
> of the planet, particularly when it is the key to using a very good
> tool, the computer? I mean, really, how?
The main writing system of the planet being Chinese?
> Some members of the Empire have created the Universal Character Set,
> whose brief it is to represent in interchangeable form all of the
> world's writing systems.
Then those writing systems just go away? I suppose computer engineers
would think that was a Good Thing.
Peter T. Daniels