Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> ***
> What would a spellchecker be for a language that doesn't have a
> standardized orthography?
That would be the spell checker that recommends options, not enforces
them (like most spell checkers),or it could simply be the "null spell
checker". Not every internationalization or localization effort needs
every feature that everyone that came before had.
> You do realize that no one who can actually write English (i.e. passed
> Freshman Comp, even though it used to be something mastered in high
> school) uses a "grammar checker"?
Yeah I think that would be the first to get dropped from the above list
- but it might be helpful for communication in English for Africans
(e.g) - I often get the feeling the 419 spam I get was perfected by such
grammar checkers :)
> (I don't know how well described the
> Vai language is, but even if it has a grammar of the quality of
> Whitney's Sanskrit, Dixon's Dyirbal, or Keren Rice's Slave, it probably
> isn't the case that a codified/able tradition of Vai prescription exists
> for the "grammar checker" to check.)
Implementing a grammar checker would almost certainly greatly extend any
schedule for implementing the rest of the above. It is a more difficult
engineering task, in that, as you pointed out, the solutions are not
necessarily known. In contrast, plugging strings into a UI designed to
have strings plugged in is more of a process then an engineering effort
these days.
> --
> Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...
> - world's writing systems.
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