suzmccarth wrote:

> -
> >
> > Personally, I think it is *precisely* a market situation
> The 'market' for the first line of keyboards is the linguist who is
> learning the language in order to complete their Ph. D., maybe
> produce a dictionary or grammar or translate the Bible.

or to make the keyboard dint he first place :)

> The next level are the English university educated native
> *speakers*. The English alphabet looks good to them too - why not?

that is pretty much who ME is talking about right?

> The next level are native speakers trained 'full time' to input text
> on the roman keyboard. It is an elitist situation, not like in
> English where any moron can wander in to an internet cafe and start
> a blog. ;)

I was with you until you got to the elitist part. Are you suggesting
that people who can type with Qwerty should not be allowed to after
they have just got used to having them? :)

Or that the market can not support more then one type of kb, perhaps
optimal for a different class of users?

> Oh yeah about handwriting, what was that term about stress, my wrist
> aches already. Who remembers the good old days when you had to write
> lines for a punishment? Well ... handwriting is a good universal
> fallback, a catchall, not bad for some purposes - I could see it
> working for Vai. Some Tamil IT students invented some new
> handwriting technology too, then they couldn't sell it because
> everyone wanted to write in English! Reality check!

So with Vai - since I am not an expert there - would people be able to
write in English but not type?

BTW, please review the IBM link from earlier - it is handwriting based
in the sense that you input the text by dragging a stylus around a
surface, but at first glance it appears to be only tenuously related to
the writing system to begin with - that's why I thought this might be a
good candidate. I think it is predictive in some fashion, and so it
could be designed to work how the individual prefers it to work - Latin
letters, shape based, or whatever. And because it is predictive, you
need not "write" the whole sequence. Or so it seems...




> Suzanne
> - world's writing systems.
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