At 10:30 -0400 2005-08-31, Peter T. Daniels wrote:

> > I think that any Vai who wants to use a computer will have to learn
>> to read an alphabet, and pretending that this is not true is just
>> plain silly.
>Yet you deny you're a cultural imperialist.

I'm a realist, and I am not responsible for the position of the
English in the world's computing market. If you are happier believing
that Vais who want to use computers won't have to learn to read an
alphabet in addition to Vai, well, dream on.

>At least by now you seem to be tacitly admitting that the "alphabet"
>might be the Arabic one.

None of my Vai informants ever talked about Arabic. Should it become
a requirement such a keyboard could be developed. I would wager,
though, that the overwhelming number of keyboards in Libera are
Michael Everson *