suzmccarth wrote:
> It seems only equitable, however, that the Vai should be able, as
> the English are, to sit down and keyboard their own set of visual
> glyphs, transferring a visual image from mind to screen.
Equitable in some sense, sure, but in other senses no. Vai (or fill in
the blank other language users) are trying to adapt a Western system
onto their own, and so it is likely to reflect the origins, even if Vai
are full collaborators in the process. Had Vai (or others) invented the
computer and developed it to its current state, then keyboarding English
would be awkward likely too.
> It seems equitable also that they should have an input method that
> requires them to choose a glyph from the set they are familiar with
> and not the 'superset'.
Sounds like there is going to be more then one IME for subsets of users
of Vai then. Is this different then Japanese IMEs, e.g., where you can
choose to type in either romaji, hiragana, katakana, or mixed with kanji?
> While Richard W. has shown us the Bible, and it may well be that the
> Bible uses the full set, like Cree there is a whole other world,
> less visible, of unpublished text where the Vai use their own
> orthography and write as they choose.
> If there is in fact a dual orthography this should be understood and
> not compared to our expectations of one standardized orthography?
> Suzanne
> - world's writing systems.
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