--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, Michael Everson <everson@...> wrote:
> At 07:55 -0400 2005-08-20, Peter T. Daniels wrote:

> The Vai script's glyphs have relations between them, where groups of
> syllables with related consonants are clustered together, within
> final-vowel classes. This is different from the structure of some
> other scripts, like Canadian Syllabics, where the glyphs
> relationships are consonant-based.

But at the finest level, one could argue that the Canadian Syllabics
are vowel-based! There are the labialisation and length diacritics,
which Unicode fuses with the base CV syllable.

The overwhelming relationship in Vai is one of irregularly applied
voicing, nasalisation and alienisation diacritics.
