Michael Everson wrote:
> At 22:13 -0400 2005-08-19, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > > That many Vai syllabary tables follow the order
> >> of the Latin alphabet is an example of Western
> >> laziness, I suppose. The section on ordering on
> >> page 5 of the Vai proposal document details our
> >> analysis of the script and why we preferred the
> >> "vertical" arrangement as reflecting the real
> >> structure of Mòmòlu Duwalu Bukèlè's script.
> >
> >The "real structure"? Did he present the symbols in a non-random order?
> I don't believe we have a list of how he
> presented it (in chart format), but there are
> clear relations between shapes within a rhyme;
> that would be the internal structure. Have you
> seen the Proposal document? The rationale for
> preferrign the vertical arrangement is explained
> there on page 5.

Why you prefer the vertical arrangement isn't interesting to me, but
what do you mean by "real structure"? What is the "real structure" of
the English alphabet?
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...