Jelks Cabaniss wrote:
> Nicholas Bodley wrote:
> (quoting, I think, Suzanne -- I must have missed the original ...)
> >> With the laser printer and the PostScript language introduced in
> >> 1987, the revolution in "desktop publishing" was born.
> >From memory, that seemed a bit later than I recalled, and ...
> indeed confirmed that the Apple LaserWriter I (the first commercial
> Postscript printer) shipped in March, 1985. 1985 was also the year that
> PageMaker was born.

And after 20 years it still doesn't have anywhere near the capabilities
of FrameMaker, which Adobe bought up a few years ago for the purpose of
putting a (superior) competitor out of business, and indeed discontinued
it a year or so ago.

> Two of the (many) beginnings of what we have today, 20 years later. Six
> years later, Unicode 1 arrived. Now, *all* of today's operating systems
> incorporate it. Pretty amazing.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...