suzmccarth wrote:
> --- In, "suzmccarth" <suzmccarth@...> wrote:
> > --- In, "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>
> > wrote:
> > > Most of the Chinese contributors to sci.lang don't like and don't use
> > > pinyin input -- it's too slow and inefficient.
> >
> > I know exactly who you mean and one of them has a huge website on how
> > to use CangJie input,
> This is Dylan's Cangjie webpage. Not something that I would want to
> teach your average five year old.

After I downloaded his instructions, I went down to NY's Chinatown to
find a huge bookstore (which takes up the second floor of a number of
connected tenement or loft buildings), and was passed from salesperson
to salesperson, each of whom had less English and a better idea of what
I was looking for, until finally a young lady who spoke no English at
all put in my hands two volumes that were exactly what I was looking for
(not a word of English in either of them, of course, but lots of
diagrams and lists; one is organized in lessons, the other by character
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...