This post is best read in a Thai encoding.

Inputting Thai in phonetic order is not straightforward because of examples
like âÊÃè§ <sr1ong> /saL roongL/ 'sarong' and ¢âÁ <khamoy> /khaL
mooyM> 'steal' - the phonetic orders are s, r, 1, o, ng and kh, m, o, y, but
the preposed vowel occurs in initial position in the first word but in second
position in the second word. The position of the vowel affects the tone of
the second syllable.

Does anyone *know* where I can find rules that will tell me the possible
positions for the preposed vowel in such cases? In many cases it will be
necessary for the position of the preposed vowel to be explicitly marked in
the input, but I would like to minimise the number of such cases. Do I
need different rules for the writing of Thai, Suay (= Kuy), Sanskrit and Pali
in the Thai script? I have never seen anything relevant at sites such as .
