Thank you Madhukar, for sharing this. Although you are right that the rules of
transcription of languages and indeed writing systems my have a bearing on
achieving literacy, and perhaps this topic should be considered more closely in
language planning, this may be more detail than we need here.
On the issue of the Latin-alphabet alternative transcription for Indian
languages - I believe you gave the name of "lipi" earlier - I will cc this to
the Qalam list, where perhaps some people may have comment.
On the topic of spelling reforms for English, this is arguably long overdue
given the challenges current irregular spellings pose to learners of all ages,
but also difficult to enact. The recent case of German spelling reform (see or ) is an interesting case in
Thanks again and all the best.
Don Osborn
Quoting "Madhukar N. Gogate" <
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> English and Marathi (regarding few recent queries to me)
> Written 1 June 2005. Circulate. -- mngogate@...
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Refer Indexpage date 1 May 2005
> Inner pages (22 Dec 2004) were revised - time to time -
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> # 1 # Use symbols available on usual English-serving
> machines. They may vary languagewise (indexpage note)
> E02 para 17 (English) d (dog) v (victory) (i-kin ee-keen)
> E03 M12 (Marathi) d (th-they) v (w-wind) (hindi hindee
> may be equated). Respelling of Cake- keik (E) kek (M).
> Few Marathi spellings & sounds are in.E05, E03 para 9
> # 2 # Assume here aa (a-art) ae (a-apple) aw (law)
> Pronunication of many English words varies. Respellings
> should match the standards fixed by a global committee.
> Examples -- Mass (maes ? maas ?) Ball (baal ? bawl ?)
> # 3 # (E02) is not Globish of Mr Nerriere (in France).
> Check it on Internet. See E01 E02 footnotes, year1999
> # 4 # Reform some symbols for clarity. Type (r)(n),
> omit brackets. Symbols merge = (m). l = L ? one ? etc
> # 5 # Refer M12 E02 para16,19, 27. Three dots (...)
> help transition. Use smalls (a-z)only. Single dots will not
> be visible as the sentence-enders in a para. Use capitals
> (A-Z) for starting names (unrespelled, for sentiments &
> documents) and for starting several words, say (Police),
> until people learn, and digest the respellings, say (polis).
> Reforms will take time. A sentence-starting capital may
> baffle. Is the first word a name? an unrespelled word ?
> # 6 # Marathi script has 3 tiers. Word surya ( = sun)
> has 5 letters in Roman & 2 composite letters in Marathi
> lipi (symbol of s + u-mark below)(symbol of y + r-mark
> above). Use familiar Marathi lipi & its software. Do use
> Roman if problems (Email etc)arise. Already people use
> linear A-Z Roman based directories. E04 para 12 to 26
> # 7 # Police = polis in Marathi (in current & Roman
> script). Phonetically spelled (sarkaar) appeals to people.
> Transliteration ( sarakaara) matching with current script,
> appeals to Scholars. (sarkaar) (= Govt) read (Sir Car)
> # 8 # Marathi poem - lines. (See 3 dots) kharaa to ek
> jagi dharma... jagaalaa prem arpaave... (- Sane Guruji)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Institution of Engineers (India) Pune Local Centre Phone
> 25533376 ieiplc@... & Marathi VidnyanParishad
> Pune branch c/oM N Gogate Phone 24337574 will hold
> a public Marathi talk on Tue 21 June 2005 (6-30 pm) at
> Institution of Engineers Hall, Shivajinagar, Pune 411005.
> Speaker -- Mr P B. Patil (Chemical Engineer) Subject -
> Hazardous Chemicals in Cities (shaharaatil dhokaadaayi
> rasaayane) sarvaani yaave... prasaar karaa... aabhaar...
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links