FYI. The folowing info is compiled from two recent messages on the Linguist list
(re 6[2] and 7[2]) and info from the journal website: . The latter
has access to abstracts of the articles. DZO

Date: 13-May-2005
From: Paul Peranteau <paul@...>
Subject: Written Language and Literacy Vol. 6, No. 2 (2003)

Publisher: John Benjamins

Journal Title: Written Language and Literacy
Volume Number: 6
Issue Number: 2
Issue Date: 2003

Main Text:

Table of contents


Two lectures on writing
Charles F. Hockett 131–175

Orthographic design in the Solomon Islands: The social, historical, and
linguistic situation of Touo (Baniata)
Angela Terrill and Michael Dunn 177–192

The origin of Mayan syllabograms and orthographic conventions
David F. Mora-Marín 193–238

Book Reviews

Review of "Du signe à l'écriture; Comment est née l'écriture"
Reviewed by Stéphane Grivelet 239–242

Review of "Multilingual literacies: Reading and writing different worlds" by
Marilyn Martin-Jones & Kathryn Jones (eds)
Reviewed by Courtney B. Cazden 242–246

Review of "Chinese" by Oliver Moore
Reviewed by Newell Ann Van Auken 246–250

Review of "Reading the Maya glyphs" by Michael D. Coe & Mark Van Stone
Reviewed by Gabrielle Vail 250–254

Editorial Note 255

Publications Received 257–259

Index to Volume 6 261–262

Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
Writing Systems
Applied Linguistics

Subject Language(s): Bali (BCN)
Touo (BNT)
Chinese, Mandarin (CHN)
Maya, Yucatán (YUA)


Process and Acquisition of Written Language
Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 7:1 (2004)

Edited by Robert Schreuder and Ludo Verhoeven

Written Language & Literacy 7:1

2004. iv, 132 pp.


Table of contents

Editorial preface 1
Introduction: The cross-linguistic study of reading
Robert Schreuder and Ludo Verhoeven 3–7

Variability and invariance in learning alphabetic orthographies: From linguistic
description to psycholinguistic processing
Liliane Sprenger-Charolles and Danielle Béchennec 9–33

The orthographic contrast between two languages: Mayan and Spanish
Alejandra Pellicer 35–48

Orthographic constraints and frequency effects in complex word identification
Ludo Verhoeven, Harald Baayen and Robert Schreuder 49–59

Still errors after all those years ...: Limited attentional resources and
homophone frequency account for spelling errors on silent verb suffixes in
Dominiek Sandra, Steven Frisson and Frans Daems 61–77

The acquisition of spoken forms and written words: An empirical study of opacity
in the speech/reading/writing interface in Danish
Dorthe Bleses and Pia Thomsen 79–99

The relationship between phonological awareness and writing
Sofía A. Vernon, Gabriela Calderón and Luis Castro 101–114

Implications of alphabetic instruction in the conscious and unconscious
manipulations of phonological representations in Portuguese-Japanese bilinguals

Ana Luiza G. P. Navas


Date: 13-May-2005
From: Paul Peranteau <paul@...>
Subject: Written Language and Literacy Vol. 7, No. 2 (2004)

Publisher: John Benjamins

Journal Title: Written Language and Literacy
Volume Number: 7
Issue Number: 2
Issue Date: 2004

Subtitle: From Letter to Sound

Main Text:

From Letter to Sound
New perspectives on writing systems

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 7:2 (2004)

Edited by Martin Neef and Beatrice Primus
University of Cologne & University of Brunswick / University of Cologne

Written Language & Literacy 7:2

Table of contents

Introduction: From letter to sound: New perspectives on writing systems
Beatrice Primus and Martin Neef 133–138

In search of the perfect orthography
Richard L. Venezky 139–163

Word-initial entropy in five languages: Letter to sound, and sound to letter
Susanne R. Borgwaldt, Frauke M. Hellwig and Annette M.B. de Groot 165–184

The apostrophe: A neglected and misunderstood reading aid
Daniel Buncic 185–204

The relation of vowel letters to phonological syllables in English and German
Martin Neef 205–234

A featural analysis of the Modern Roman Alphabet
Beatrice Primus 235–274

Do symmetrical letter pairs affect readability? A cross-linguistic examination
of writing systems with specific reference to the runes
Alexandra Wiebelt 275–303

How to optimize orthography
Richard Wiese 305–331

Contents of Volume 7 333–334

Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
Writing Systems
Applied Linguistics

Subject Language(s): English (ENG)
German, Standard (GER)