Donald Z. Osborn wrote:
> FYI, there's a story about a new alphabet in Senegal - "Typafrica" - developed
> by a retired professor. No one has more info, though from Google it seems it
> was reported by PanaPress (which requires paid subscription to view its
> articles). If anyone knows more, we'd appreciate hearing...

One wonders what he thinks is wrong with the two previous efforts: the
Africa Alphabet of the 1920s and 1930s, which became the basis for many
orthographies of West African languages in particular, and the alphabet
(with no upper case) used in Dalby & Mann's Thesaurus of African
Languages (which has probably found no other use whatsoever, because it
has strange shapes and lots of non-roman letters, and the Africa
Alphabet has already been used successfully all over the place).

> Don Osborn
> ----- Forwarded message from Patrick Andries <patrick@...> -----
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 14:02:34 -0700
> From: Patrick Andries <patrick@...>
> Reply-To: Unicode-Afrique@...
> Subject: Re: [Unicode-Afr] Re: Typafrica
> To: Unicode-Afrique@...
> Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :
> >>Un professeur sénégalais en retraite vient d'inventer un nouvel
> >>alphabet, Typafrica, qui a l'ambition de « couvrir » l'ensemble des
> >>langues autochtones du continent noir.
> >
> >Où ont été publiés les détails sur cet alphabet ?
> >
> Je ne sais pas, c'est en partie pour en obtenir plus que j'ai envoyé le
> message.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...