--- In
qalam@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Chew <patchew@...> wrote:
> Korea-educated Koreans that I've asked have consistently said that
> learned hangul alphabetically (kiyeok, nieun, tigeut, rieul,
> a, ya, eo, yeo, o, yo, u, yu, eu, i, ...) and then learned how to put
> them together to match semi-syllabic/-morphologic orthographic
> "norms"... which mimic syllabary styled teaching, eg. ka, kya, keo,
> kyeo, ko, kyo, etc...
> Hangul, is, however, divisable and transparent and linearly (in
> square) organized...
I know that a few people are studying cognitive effectrs of the shape
of the script, but no, I don't think it is important. I think that
being transparent, divisible and sequenced in order of sound production
is enough. The linear bit just doesn't relate to anything I know. I
just had to think about it, sequenced but not linear.