Peter T. Daniels wrote:

> The way it notates final consonants has no bearing on its typology. Kana
> also indicate the final consonant with a special character, but that
> doesn't keep them from being syllabaries.

Wondering - is that evidence of how the writing system evolved from the
spoken language? The sound represented by the "final consonant" entry in
kana does in fact have the same "vocal length" quality as the other
entries, even though it is an exception to the CV rule of the kana table

So, is it safe to say that the writing system (in Japanese at least) is
subordinate to the spoken language?

I mean, given that either the spoken can/could have changed to allow the
writing system to be exception free, or the writing system can reflect
the spoken sounds at the cost of having exceptions in the CV table
layout, what can we infer from the historical choices/evolution in this
matter? Does it vary by language/writing system pairs?

