Nicholas Bodley wrote:
> {Delayed reply}
> On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:31:02 -0400, Peter T. Daniels
> <grammatim@...> wrote:
> >> By [vellum] Nicholas meant the Yahoo group, vellum, whose URL is
> >> . This particular posting is
> >> .
> > And the document it refers to is 17 Mb.
> Ouch! I'm sorry!
No prob -- it says so right there, so one doesn't even click on it and
have it start to download and _then_ announce its size.
> Having broadband can sometimes hide the size of a file, although I try to
> be aware. I well remember having a dialup connection at 9,600 bits/s, so I
> know.
My modem is 56K (of course), but it never hits a connection at more than
33-something K. Often 28.8K. But AT&T is highly reliable.
Peter T. Daniels