Barry <i18n at yahoo dot com> wrote:

>>> Which Unicode contributor was that?
>> Doug Ewell, .

I wouldn't have thought of myself as "a Unicode contributor." I do have
other interests. I don't have any publications on writing systems,
though, only on Unicode -- so maybe I really don't belong on this list
after all.

> Oh yeah - I remember that now...
> I have to say that I wonder why some people on this list are so
> sensitive to what is discussed in threads they don't really care
> about....especially on this list, where threads go on a long time,
> split and divide with minor changes to subject lines, it is easy to
> ignore stuff for a long time, and generally impossible to participate
> without actually "opting in". and as I recall it, Doug was not really
> participating in that thread until he prefessed his frustration.
> That is why I remember it - I thought it was weird for him - maybe he
> was having a bad day or something - not hardly worth splitting the
> list over..

It might not have been so bad if the post hadn't been 27 KB.

-Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California