i18n@... wrote:
> Which Unicode contributor was that? I don't think it was Tex. The only
> annoyed person I recall was Peter T. D. , and he has been pretty up
> front that he is not interested in Unicode. And I believe him when he
> says that - his actions and words speak for themselves.
> Best,
> Barry
> Richard Wordingham wrote:
> >
> > --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "i18n@..." <i18n@...> wrote:
> > > > --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > > > Though "vellum" seems an odd name for a place for talking about
> > > > > computers.
> >
> > > So the moderator here has ordained that all talk of computers on this
> > > list is verboten?
> >
> > No. However, the discussions of the mechanism of a golf-ball
> > typewriter seemed to be off-topic, and certainly annoyed one of the
> > Unicode contributors on the list. I therefore proposed that we start
> > a satellite group for such discussions of writing technology, as
> > opposed to writing systems, and hoped that the owner, Seshat, would
> > advise on where we draw the boundary. We still await such guidance.
"Barry" seems to have taken quite a dislike to me.
I suggest that qalam be used for talking about writing systems, and some
other venue, perhaps vellum, be used for talking about computers.
Nicholas, who might have more reason than "Barry" to be annoyed with me,
is the person who hasn't recognized the difference yet.
As for "who's who," it seems that "Barry" and "Seshat" are the only
people who post here who won't reveal their names.
Peter T. Daniels