Which Unicode contributor was that? I don't think it was Tex. The only
annoyed person I recall was Peter T. D. , and he has been pretty up
front that he is not interested in Unicode. And I believe him when he
says that - his actions and words speak for themselves.
Richard Wordingham wrote:
> --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "i18n@..." <i18n@...> wrote:
> > > --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>
> wrote:
> > > > Though "vellum" seems an odd name for a place for talking about
> > > > computers.
> > So the moderator here has ordained that all talk of computers on this
> > list is verboten?
> No. However, the discussions of the mechanism of a golf-ball
> typewriter seemed to be off-topic, and certainly annoyed one of the
> Unicode contributors on the list. I therefore proposed that we start
> a satellite group for such discussions of writing technology, as
> opposed to writing systems, and hoped that the owner, Seshat, would
> advise on where we draw the boundary. We still await such guidance.
> Richard.
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