i18n@... wrote:
> Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > i18n@... wrote:
> > >
> > > Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > That means nothing to me besides the name of someone who also signs
> > > > himself Barry.
> > >
> > > When I want you to speak for me, I will be sure to ask. Rest assured
> > > that hasn't happened yet, so please refrain until it does.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > >
> > > Barry
> >
> > I have no idea what you're talking about. Nicholas began a discussion of
> > i18n, which means nothing to me but one of your pseudonyms (since he
> > said that your name is Tex Texin). In case you don't realize you (i18n ~
> > Tex Texin) also sign yourself "Barry," the evidence is quoted above.
> Peter, give it a rest. You have been so far off base on this thread it
> is amusing to the point that Peter C suggested you stop acting like a
> Luddite. Yet you persist. Maybe a weekend will bring you back to your
> usually sharp self by Monday. I don't think you are a Luddite myself -
> but I do think you are trying a bit too hard at something.
> Nicholas didn't say i18n is Tex Texin, he said *i18nguy* is Tex Texin.
> Although he did insert an unexpected space, which could be confusing to
> you, I can see. But I would think a man of your education would double
> check such a simple thing before relying on it as fact in some
> misbegotten identity seeking Easter egg hunt.

I still don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what "i18n"
is, nor have I noticed a name other than "i18n" in emails to this List.

If Nicholas wrote "i18n guy," then I supposed he was using an
appellative to note that i18n is a male person.

> And there are plenty of people who will say that I and Tex are not one
> and the same, and the way they know that is because they have seen us in
> the same place at the same time. some of them are even on this list :)

Yet you don't reveal your real name. Not revealing one's real name on an
academic List is grounds for deep suspicion. What can anyone know of
your credentials?

> Tex and I have known each other as colleagues for probably about 10
> years now...I have been using i18n as an online handle since before I
> met Tex, or since about that time (~ Netscape 1.1 days). Tex picked up
> the i18nguy moniker just a few years back.

So what does i18n mean?

> I have never encountered Nicholas except in this forum AFAIK, including
> the time I spent living just a few towns over from Waltham MA.
> So when I say don't speak for me, I am referring to :
> " That means nothing to me besides the name of someone who also signs
> himself Barry."
> In fact, it means plenty to at least some people on this list, as they
> have patiently been trying to explain to you, if you just let it soak in

No, no one has said, "i18n means '...'."

> a bit. Be aware that not everyone is in the small part of your
> profession that uses *your* jargon - some of us have other jargon and
> some of that is related to yours. If you come across some you don't know
> or want to know about it, that is fine! Just perhaps it would be best to
> not participate in the thread using it at all :)

Why is this List devoted almost exclusively to computers, instead of to
writing systems?

> Finally, I can assure you that I am not Tex, and Tex is not me, and we
> do not impersonate each other on this list or anywhere else. So don't
> let this concern boggle your mind for too long...

Nu, who are you? And, for that matter, who is Tex?
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...