On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:02:56 -0500, Richard Wordingham
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:

> I've been doing some experiments (results at
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JRW_test/messages ).

I'll have a look, soon.

Just wanted to comment, posthaste, about C1 control characters:


> Language specific encodings generally work, provided one avoids anything
> that gets encoded to 91 to 94 {hex --nb}.

Remarkable! I thought that only CSI, iirc 9B hex, is ordinarily used.

Burning with curiosity :) , I got out my refs and HP 6S calc (not a real
HP) and found that (non-auth.) 91 thru 94 map to single quote left, single
quote right, [double quote left, and [double] quote right. Watch out for
"smart quotes", a.k.a. (politely) "dumb quotes".

Interesting discovery: As now set up, my machine displays Thai, but won't
re-map dumb quotes to their Unicode values. OK with me for now.


I've never tried to insert little GIFs inline into text. I doubt that it
would be fun, and I suspect that Peter T. D. knows better than some, based
on relevant experince in typesetting WWS.


Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath