> From: Peter T. Daniels [mailto:grammatim@...]

> > > Standard Mac fonts don't _have_ edh or thorn.
> >
> > I find that difficult to believe, though not having a Mac in front
of me
> > at the moment I can't prove otherwise.
> What does that say you're saying about me?

That you are talking about what various operating systems do or don't do
when you admit to not knowing how these things work, and that I
therefore have a low level of confidence in the reliability of such

When you go making statements like

> Anyway Mac fonts have a few more slots (8?) than Windows fonts.

you are making statements about how these things work when you haven't a
clue what you're talking about. And you are completely and utterly
wrong: fonts used on the Mac and fonts used on Windows have exactly the
same potential in terms of the number of characters they can support.

> Go to anything in Hungarian. You'll find o's and u's with what looks
> like two acute accents. That's a long umlaut, marking long front
> vowels. (Acutes in Hungarian mark long vowels.)

These are supported in the Windows core fonts (Arial, Courier New, Times
New Roman and Tahoma), as well as several other fonts included with
Windows (Palatino Linotype, Trebuchet MS, Verdana...)

Peter Constable