On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 15:47:03 -0500, Peter T. Daniels
<grammatim@...> wrote:

> Mac fonts have guillemets where Windows fonts have edh/thorn.

That is one detailed example of what Unicode and other aspects of i18n
take care of.

Even before Unicode, Latin-1 took care of that pretty well, and the rest
of the '8859 family helped further. Unicode came later.
In a field that is still developing quickly such as computers, life isn't
always easy unless one sticks to ASCII text alone.

> Mac fonts have the diacritics for most European languages (but not the
> Polish/Latvian overdot or the underdot that I don't think figures in any
> standard roman alphabet), Windows fonts have a few useless dingbats.

Arial Unicode and the WGL4 fonts are Windows fonts. James Kass' shareware
fonts ($5US, very likely) are also for Windows; his cover some scripts not
included in Arial Unicode. All of these have far more glyphs than older
"256-codepoint" fonts.

> Anyway Mac fonts have a few more slots (8?) than Windows fonts.

Good gosh. While they are still alive and having some problems, fonts
with only 256 codepoints (that's 8 bits), I'd say, are starting to become

A few 64-bit computers are now quite affordable; it seems that the
software is still mostly catching up to the hardware.


Peter T. Daniels' comments about "real" angle brackets (my quotes)
prompted me to look them up in the Unicode 3.0 book, and I realized that I
have probably rarely, if ever seen them; it was a surprise. The included
angle in the glyphs of that book is maybe 150 or 160 degrees; very
"shallow" -- obtuse angles.


Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath