Doug Ewell <
dewell@...> wrote:
> Richard Wordingham <richard dot wordingham at ntlworld dot com> wrote:
>> The sorting order is not defined by the numerical of code points, but
>> it has to be tailored for each _language_ - for example English, Welsh
>> and Spanish have different sorting orders for combinations of lower
>> case unaccented letters! (For example, Welsh and Spanish both treat
>> double 'l' as a separate letter.)
> This is not universal in Spanish. While ch ("che") and ll ("elle") are
> still taught as individual letters in Spanish, a great deal of sorting
> is now done using the so-called "modern" sort order, which unlike the
> "traditional" order treats them as a simple sequence of c+h and l+l
> respectively.
> This "modern" sort order was almost certainly the end result of software
> that failed to take Spanish-specific sorting rules into account, but it
> is now a fact of life in many Spanish-speaking areas.
Apparently the Real Academia EspaƱola has recommended sorting "ch" and "ll"
as separate letters since 1994, though they are to be considered as individual
letters for other purposes (whatever they may be; outside of sorting and
reciting the alphabet I don't know offhand of any circumstance in which a
named digraph can be distinguished from a separate "letter" thus considered).
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