--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "suzmccarth" <suzmccarth@...> wrote:
> --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Doug Ewell" <dewell@...> wrote:
> > Nicholas Bodley <nbodley at speakeasy dot net> wrote:
> >
> > > What really disappoints me is that homophone checking software
> is so
> > > rarely used,
> > I would have thought existing grammar checkers would be able to
> detect
> > that "they drove off in there car" was incorrect.
> > Plain spell-checkers are useless for homophone detection, of
> course.
> There are many prgrammes called "word prediction" software or
> phonetic spellcheckers marketed to schools - Texthelp, cowriter,
> Johnson, Kursweil,

oops "Kurzweil" a typo - pronounced kertswhile by some and kertsvile
by others.

Aurora, etc. The one we use, Texthelp, floats on
> top of Word and has a good homophone checker. The problem is that
> you need a license for every workstation and this can get rather
> pricey in a school. They are still too expensive for general use -

> we have only one license at the moment in our school.
> >
> Suzanne