Nicholas Bodley wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 16:26:28 -0500, Peter T. Daniels
> <grammatim@...> wrote:
> [Barry]
> >> If others have comments that particular pen types or paper types are
> >> preferred or even invented to be optimal for certain types of writing
> >> rules (maybe a pen nib that can make certain diacritics with a flick of
> >> the wrist and without lifting from the paper?), I would think that would
> >> be pretty interesting, especially in reasonably wide use.
> [PD]
> > I'm having trouble imagining what you mean.
> For instance, Speedball pen nibs, writing brushes for CJK script, types of
> paper...
I don't have trouble with the concept of "pen types" and "paper types."
I have trouble with "pen nib that can make certain diacritics with a
flick of the wrist and without lifting from the paper."
My initials are PTD.
Peter T. Daniels