On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:18:30 -0500, Peter T. Daniels
<grammatim@...> wrote:

> Along those lines, the computer folk can be proud(?) of being
> responsible for the atrifying of cursive script.

Yes; however, the excessively-fussy and ornate letterforms we were taught
in school are borderline impractical. I read recently about a diferent
style that is easy to write and learn, and looks good as well.

Wouldn't you say that typewriters also had a significant influence?

Perhaps making decent-quality Arabic text has made up for that.

Seems to me that someone with experience in rendering good Arabic might
try to create very-good Latin continuous script; the matters of shaping
and joining should have some modest degree of commonality.

Splines can be very beautiful, when arbitrary curves are needed; after
all, afaik, all curves in computer typography are splines (even when
circles could be used).

Btw, is there any need or use for quartic or higher-order splines in
computer typography?


Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath
Total lie -- saying that SocialSecurity is in crisis: