--- suzmccarth <suzmccarth@...> wrote:

> --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Cunningham
> And I have tried most of them, MS, keyman, and many
> more. They do
> have different keyboard layouts, that is no big
> deal, but ultimately
> if you can't type in your keystrokes fluently as
> children can't then
> there is still some difficulty which seems to be
> universal to all
> layouts and I assumed that this difficulty resides
> in Uniscribe. It
> is not so hard for an adult who can type CV together
> and doesn't use
> hunt and peck and doesn't make errors. Anyway, after
> all that, the
> reshaping and reordering just doesn't give the
> immediate feedback
> that a child expects. I don't want to argue about
> this and I am sure
> that it will improve but I do have children in the
> same room
> keyboarding Rusian, Chinese and Tamil and we do it
> cheerfully. But I
> do have to support the Tamil and not the others.

There seems to be a number of issues involved ... that
input tends to be based on logical order or phonetic
order .... ie enter a consonant then enter a vowel.
This may be confusing for a student who is thinking in
terms of the visual appearance ... first one character
is entered on the screen .. then a second character is
entered changing the shape of the first .. or maybe
placing the second before, above or below the first

to some extent i still consider it an input issue
rather than a uniscribe issue ... the character
sequences are being sent and rendered in sequence, ie
"C" entered and rendered, then "V" entered and
onscreeen display changed to render "CV" instead of

Yep, i'm being overly simplistic.

In theory ... it should be posisble to create a input
method that would trap the "C" temporarily, ie not
display it until the sequence is finished (ie. CV).

It would require a complex set of rules, and most
developers tend to prefer simpiler solutions, but it
should be possible, and maybe would be suitable for
your students? Not sure.

Similar sort of issue holds for the backspace and
delete keys ....

> I read that somewhere. However, I did say to ask
> you. So you don't
> need to laugh at me.
my apologies, i wasn't laughing at you, just that my
warped sense of humour kicked in ... at the time I was
responding to your email, i was also writing some
recommendations for Victorian public libraries for
multilingual public access workstations .... for some
reason ... that i'll never understand ... libraries
around here seem so set on using Internet Explorer 6
despite how old and antiquated it is now.

Life would be easier if i didn't have to be backwards
compatible with Internet Explorer.


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