> Mark E. Shoulson wrote:
>> Any of you qalamities out there fairly comfortable readers of Cherokee?
I think I missed it the first time...
"Qalamities" would be pronounced more or less like "calamities" in
English! NOt sure who first used "Qalamite[s]", but I like the term.
{Reading new Qalam messages, but haven't yet read a big Q. backlog. Still
hope to! What i read looks as interesting as ever. With a curious mind, I
really enjoy reading about what could, in some cases, be considered
very-abstruse topics. They are good mind stretchers, even for someone who
hasn't learned a substantial part of the basics (linguistics, phonetics,
IPA), and might never do so.}
Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
Dilettante Qalamite