On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 06:56:32 -0000, Richard Wordingham <
richard.wordingham@...> wrote:
> --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Dunbar <hippietrail@...> wrote:
>> --- Berthold Frommann <listen@...> wrote:
>> > Dear Andrew,
>> > 4. using a .... (how to describe it?) .... L-like
>> > shape rotated by 90 degrees when the pitch raises
>> > and the mirror-image of this when the pitch
>> > comes down again.
>> Does Unicode have the "L-shaped" symbol? Has it been
>> proposed? Are the Unicode people on this list aware of
>> it? Can anybody point me to a web page or scan me a
>> picture of this symbol being used with kana only?
> Semantically, how do they differ from the IPA up and down arrows for
> upstep (SAMPA ^) and down step (SAMPA !)?
They don't. In fact these symbols should probably also be used -- IPA and (X-)SAMPA are the common contents of =Pronunciation= headers in Wiktionary (excepting a lot of English words that use dictionary notation).
So, tangentially: Where are we proposing to put the L-shaped symbol? Not being part of the orthography, it doesn't _actually_ belong in the Romanization. (But then, this seems to be flexible; people there also like to go around casing transliterations of non-cased scripts; I'm just picky in that area.)
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