--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Dunbar <hippietrail@...> wrote:
> --- Berthold Frommann <listen@...> wrote:
> > Dear Andrew,
> > 4. using a .... (how to describe it?) .... L-like
> > shape rotated by 90 degrees when the pitch raises
> > and the mirror-image of this when the pitch
> > comes down again.

> Does Unicode have the "L-shaped" symbol? Has it been
> proposed? Are the Unicode people on this list aware of
> it? Can anybody point me to a web page or scan me a
> picture of this symbol being used with kana only?

Semantically, how do they differ from the IPA up and down arrows for
upstep (SAMPA ^) and down step (SAMPA !)? These seem to be U+0191
and U+0193, though the descriptions differ- perhaps they refer to an
old IPA standard.
