At 11:09 +0200 2004-09-02, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
>John Cowan wrote:
>> Marco Cimarosti scripsit:
>> > I though that h-digraphs were a relatively recent
>> innovation in Irish
>> > spelling: in the uncial script (which was ubiquitous in
>> Ireland up to at
>> > least the 1970's) aspiration is indicated by a dot over the letter.
>> Not as recently as that.
>Even more recently than that: the first time I was in Ireland must have been
>1980 or 1981, and I definiterly remember that all Gaelic signs by public
>administrations were in uncial type with overdots. I definitely recall the
>signs on trains and stations were like that, as I was travelling with
>Inter-Rail: all station names were in roman for English and in uncial for

I meant that the h-digraphs were not a recent innovation.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *