On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 15:05:51 -0700, Jonathon Blake
<jonathon.blake@...> wrote:
> Under which definition would a /consonant/vowel/consonant writing
> system fall, if a final consonant was a diacritic mark?

I would imagine that it would depend how the initial "CV" part looks.

If all syllables starting with the same consonant have a similar
portion in one place, and all syllables with the same vowel have a
similar portion in another, place, then I'd call it an alphabet (like
Hangeul), since it has one sign for each consonant and each vowel.

If all syllables starting with the same consonant have a similar
portion in one place but there is no separate component you can point
to and say "that represents the vowel", I'd call it an abugida.

If syllables starting with the same consonant do not share any
similarity, then it's probably a syllabary.

Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>