Michael Everson wrote:
> At 19:05 -0400 2004-08-01, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > > It may be annoying that meanings
> >> get changed, and thus in the interim wind up with two conflicting
> >> meanings for the same word used by different groups, but that's life,
> >> and that's language for you.
> >
> >It would be nice if change had occurred because the terms came into
> >general use, but AFAIK they didn't, and there isn't a body of evidence
> >behind the changed (as opposed to revised) definitions.
> Check the Wikipedia. Alphabet, abjad, and abugida are all there.

They were quoted to me on sci.lang, and they turned out to be crap, and
several people offered to correct them for me. (It was thought that me
editing an entry in which I was mentioned would ruffle some editorial
feathers, which apparently don't care about content but are very picky
about attributions.)
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...