suzmccarth wrote:
> --- In, "suzmccarth" <suzmccarth@...> wrote:
> > --- In, "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Interpreted into a Berber language? Seems likely. (The Qur'an is
> > > untranslatable, by definition.)
> >
> > You are right. The Quran was translated into the Tamazight (Berber)
> > language but it was printed in the Arabic script. I had confused
> > Tifinagh, the script, with Tamazight, the group of languages.
> However, this article did say that it was a translation not an
> interpretation but in the Arabic script.
> "and most notably the recent first full translation of the Quran
> into Berber, published 2003, a powerful influence in itself."
Then the publicist, at least, is not an orthodox Muslim.
Peter T. Daniels