From: suzmccarth
Message: 3221
Date: 2004-07-17
> If you are going to propose a classification, you should explainUseful for different purposes. Children with reading difficulties
> why your classification would be useful, or more useful than any
> existing classification.
>I invented the word, so I can use it however I want. And IThank goodness. However, what about those of us who do want to say
> happen not to want it to be used for Cree.
> > It also recognizes the equally phonological character of alphabetsfor
> > and syllabic scripts, while enabling one to differentiate
> > phonographic and logographic syllabic scripts. It may even allow
> > an understanding that an alphabetic script can provide a quasi-Because it allows for observations on the way some Chinese people
> > logographic spelling type.
> Why would that be a useful thing to allow for?