--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Peter T. Daniels" <grammatim@...>

> "Quasi-" is an English prefix. "Logographic" is an English word.
> not a technical term. It means "logographic-like."

I seem to remember a definition of 'logographic' that stated it was a
syllabary that differentiates homophones. It is not the quasi part of
this expression that worries me.

How is English spelling quasi-logographic? I want to read your
entire explanation. No polemics intended - just interest.

> > and she answers
> > > very few of mine;
> >
> > not personal ones
> Like "what do you mean by 'alphasyllabary'?"?

I don't personally use this as a class but intended it originally in
my post as a synonym for abugida.

However, I intended this term to suggest that it was a sub-type of
the syllabic script group.

Suzanne McCarthy