On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 09:29:46 -0700, Doug Ewell <
dewell@...> wrote:
> I think the role of Unicode as a linguistic and writing-systems
> reference is being overstated again. It is a character encoding
> standard.
While I had no illusions when I bought the Unicode 1 book, nevertheless
its format encouraged some dilettante-level study of writing systems, a
purpose for which it was not intended. (Later, I bought Unicode 3.0.)
Nevertheless, its concise organization, appropriate for its purpose, is
very convenient, and its large-point-size charts make comparisons and
reference easy and pleasant.
Of course, WWS is my primary reference for what it was intended.
Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
wondering whether Byzantine musical symbols (iirc) were ever made bigger...
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