Nicholas Bodley wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 08:30:55 -0400, Peter T. Daniels
> <grammatim@...> wrote:
> > And if "rotate letter 90°" were a simple matter, [...]
> It is. IrfanView, a really-good freeware viwer and image processor for
> M$ Windows, rotates large JPEGs speedily without problems. Countless
> paint/drawing programs, afaik, can also do it easily. What's more
> time-consuming is to rotate by an arbitrary angle, but if one regards
> characters as small images, it takes only microseconds (if that long) to
> rotate them by a quarter turn, or flip them about vert. or horiz. axes.

But computers don't think of characters as "small images," do they? They
think of them as type.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...